Hi! I'm William and I'm

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I am a second year student at the University of British Columbia majoring in Business and Computer Science

I am inspired by the world-changing possibilities technology facilitates in humanity's upward march. I hope to combine my business background with my passion for computing and ultimately pursue a career in technology. To learn about my experience, continue scrolling to see my interactive resume or click here to view the PDF version.

If you want to chat further, my door is always open (metaphorically!); here is my Calendly; feel free to book a slot.

Blog of the Month

What's on my mind at this moment


Click on each section to learn more


Vancouver, BC - Class of 2025

◦ Combined Major in Business and Computer Science

◦ GPA: 4.00 (86%)

Vancouver, BC - Class of 2021

◦ GPA: 4.00 (93.71%)

Technical Skills


Vancouver, BC - November 2022 to present

Software Developer

◦ Built various components for a visually appealing and user-friendly full-stack website for the Visual Cognition lab, significantly improving their online presence and accessibility of research findings for the general audience.

Vancouver, BC - September 2022 to present

Web Developer

◦ Leading the project to significantly expand the newspaper’s reach to a younger audience through the development and launch of a new, highly engaging magazine website.

◦ Significantly improved the viewing experience for 10,000 monthly users by identifying and resolving a large number of bugs through careful debugging of the site’s vast codebase.

Vancouver, BC - October 2021 to September 2022

Junior Analyst

◦ Completed an equity research report on Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX: CMME), relying on discounted cash flow analysis, NAV and trading comparables to arrive at a target share price of $4.86

◦ Collaborated with a team of four to conduct comprehensive research on Taseko Mining (TSK: TKO), including building a DCF model, trading comparables, and market research. As a result of our efforts, we arrived at a target price of $2.92.


Vancouver, BC - October 2022

Brand Battle for Good

◦ Designed the UI and UX for Space To Connect, a mobile application created in collaboration with Major Tom digital marketing agency. The app facilitates the creation of safe spaces for socially isolated individuals to connect in community settings.

Vancouver, BC - September 2022 - December 2022

Software Construction

◦ Developed a restaurant management application with 100% code coverage, empowering users to design customizable menus and fully manage their ordering and cooking process.

Vancouver, BC - September 2022

Hack SMU

◦ Designed and developed a customizable stock portfolio creator using API calls to access real-time market data for 500 different stocks and 50 different indicators.

Vancouver, BC - May 2021

◦ Achieved 4th place out of 33 teams

◦ Led a team of four members in developing a machine learning model to analyze complex datasets to generate high-quality and sustainable business solutions that helped a company analyze and reduce high employee attrition rates

Extracurricular Experience

Vancouver, BC - September 2022 to December 2022

Product Management Fellow

◦ Gained extensive PM skills through hands-on training with experienced product managers and by completing two projects focused on improving accessibility in large-scale technologies, YouTube and Notion, conducting user research, engaging in product design, and drafting strategy and execution plans.

Projects and Hackathons

Explore the work I have done on my own or within a company

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