The First Steps in my Journey into Technology

August 27 2022

My origins

My family originated from the impoverished rice fields of Vietnam, where they learned the values of hard work and entrepreneurship. Through years of hard work, we built a family business that allowed us to immigrate to Canada. However, this experience instilled in my parents an focus on persuading me to go to a business school, a field in which my family found success. Although I respected their decision, I always felt disconnected from business.

Where it all began

However, just before the beginning of the summer of 2022, I talked to some older students about their experience with their own experience in the technology field and computer science, and I instantly became curious. Therefore, starting completely fresh, I fully immersed myself in computer science. First, I took introductory CS courses at UBC. Beginning with Dr. Racket and BSL language, which gave me foundational CS knowledge. Next, I took a course in discrete mathematics, allowing me to develop my understanding of the theories behind computer science. Then I built on this momentum by learning Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Finally, I was ready!! I began programming and designing my website using my previous knowledge, and with the help of Bootstrap, I built my website. Despite long nights and a steep learning curve, step by step and line by line, I built out a final functioning product. The moment this website was finally deployed to the web, I cried in happiness at what I had achieved; what was seemingly impossible before was now a reality.

What's Next

In the future, I will continue to delve further into computer science and technology field. I plan on learning additional languages such as Python and Java. I also plan on participating in hackathons and computer science related clubs at my university to explore my passion for technology and build functioning applications that bring value to those around me. Finally, I hope to apply for job opportunities in technology to work around with the best and brightest and create world-class, cutting-edge technology.

It was a difficult journey thus far, filled with failure and success, but I would be lying if I didn't love what I do; and I say to all who are reading this; please never give up; you can all do it no matter what you are trying to achieve, nothing is impossible.

Thanks for reading, and until next time,

William Nguyen